2 research outputs found

    Analyzing solid waste landfills using satellite imagery and designing new landfill reception areas

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    Solid waste disposal is important for environmental management for good quality of life in urban cities. Among them is the final disposal of waste in landfills. Landfills can receive tons of waste, but they must be far away from natural resources and urban areas. The research aimed to analyze the physical and biological conditions and design a geolocation map of new sanitary landfills in three urban cities in Peru (Chilca, El Tambo and Huancayo). Landsat 8 OLI/TIRS satellite imagery was used to analyze the physical (LST and Methane) and biological (NDVI and SAVI) conditions of the landfills. The geolocation of the landfills was analyzed through the relationship, intersection and discrimination between their surface criteria (soil type, current use, geology and physiography) and climatic factors (temperature, humidity and precipitation). The physical and biological conditions of the landfills were: CH4: Chilca 8.33g > Huancayo 4.76g > El-Tambo 3.17g; SAVI: Chilca 0.61 > El Tambo 0.54 > Huancayo 0.51; LST: Huancayo 26.15°C > Chilca 24.03°C > El Tambo 22.75°C; NDVI: Chilca 0.85 > Huancayo 0.81 > El Tambo 0.8. In the three cities, "natural grasslands" were considered suitable land for the new solid waste landfill site. The multiple relationship, intersection, and discrimination of surface criteria and climatic factors were categorized into five types of sustainable geolocation (very appropriate > appropriate > moderately adequate > less appropriate > inappropriate) for new solid waste landfills. It was very important to discount the influence areas (rivers and lagoons) to avoid damaging the natural resources.      

    Agricultural eco-efficiency and water footprint- A case study of fifteen crops in the Chupaca province of  Peru

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    The water footprint is an indicator of the impact of water use from its formation to its final destination. Agricultural eco-efficiency measures the efficient use of resources or materials available for crop production. Water's economic productivity analyses a product's efficient value as per its water supply and commercial value. The present research aimed to determine and relate the water footprint, economic productivity of water and agricultural eco-efficiency of 15 crops in the province of Chupaca - Peru. Georeferencing material was used for the delimitation of agricultural species, CROPWAT 8.0, CLIMWAT8.0, ArcGis 10.5 software, mathematical equations for the water footprint, agricultural eco-efficiency (Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA)) and economic productivity of water. The Total water footprint (TWF) of the fifteen crops was 1718237.01 m3/ton, likewise the BlueWF > GreenWF > GreyWF. In their economic outputs, gross value of production (GVP) > agricultural production (Ag-p) > economic rent agricultural (ERA) was verified. In environmental costs, water consumption that meets the needs of crops (Wc-Ag) > consumption of phytosanitary products (C-fly) > fertilizer consumption (C-fe) was determined. The average Agricultural eco-efficiency (Ag-Eec) and Economic water productivity (Ewp) were 89.8% and 0.046 PEN/m3 respectively. Statistical analysis between Ewp and Ag-Eec was rho = 0.18, t-test = 0.66 < 2.16 (α = 0.05; bilateral), and the correlation indicated that both activities are independent. The environmental costs and economic outputs of agricultural eco-efficiency did not influence the economic value of water.